It is always open to a minister to call for any file in his ministry and pass orders. “Such orders are normally issued by the secretary of the department because the power to allocate work within the department is within the province of the secretary. Mr Sahai said that the matters to be disposed of by the minister other than those delegated are to be processed through the secretary, who is the administrative head of the department.

“The officials cannot bypass their administrative boss (that may be secretary/HoDs/principal secretary)and cannot report to the minister directly. In yet another order, Mr Jain has now directed officials in the health department to put up files directly to him. A health department officer said that such orders can be issued only by the administrative head of the department. In a letter to Mr Jain, Mr Sahai said when a civil servant takes a decision, he does not do it as a delegate to his minister. A senior officer said that by issuing the order the minister has directly infringed on the administrative powers of the secretary or principal secretary of the department.


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That made headline sending out a message that the Supreme Court was fully happy with the probe," he said.He said there were "serious flaws" in the CBI’s investigation, particularly related to the seizure of Rs 40 lakh from the convicts.

They agreed. That means there were financially powerful forces behind those who were arrested. "If it was not a high-profile case, what would have been the outcome? I don’t have answers," he told the paper.Justice Thomas told the paper he wondered whether the bench had handed a “severe punishment” because it was a high-profile assassination. Then I suggested a condition: no criticism or kudos for CBI in the final order. But on the day of the judgment, I was shocked to hear Justice D P Wadhwa’s judgment praising CBI officer Karthikeyan wholeheartedly. They suggested that we shouldn’t criticise the CBI in the final order, considering their efforts.


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With over 50 paintings and sketches by Orko, the month-long exhibition titled Artistic - Autistic at the studio intends to create awareness about autism through art. I just paint all the time so I can improve on my skills,” he insists. “When it comes to looking at some work and then paint, it takes time.” Anything that he would like to contribute? “I want to make cartoon movies that talk about how people should behave with people in the autistic spectrum,” he expresses with innocence. In a unique positive trait that is rare among typical individuals, Orko spends his time, energy and thoughts to master his area of interest – painting and sketching.

As of now, I am busy with my computer classes. “People don’t want to be friends with a person like me. I don’t have many friends and people leave but that’s how life is,” he muses. He also adds that painting helps him release pain and that works as a therapy for him.. His previous exhibitions at Nehru Centre and Jehangir Art Gallery too turned out to be a great success. Orko explains her as his best friend from childhood who doesn’t live in the same building anymore. However, it is a time-consuming task for him to draw something that he has to copy from the Internet. Interestingly, there is also a painting of a girl called Devyani.


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New Delhi: Government has been misusing investigating agencies like CBI, IB and NIA to settle scores with BJP and its Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi as it has realised that it cannot fight them politically, BJP leader Arun Jaitley has alleged in a letter to Prime Minister."

The Congress strategy in the face if its depleting popularity is clear.Similarly, former Rajasthan PWD Minister Rajinder Rathore was named in alleged fake encounter of local mafia Dara Singh.Jaitley said that the ordinance was brought when the Parliament did not agree to it."The family must be above them and when somebody from the family said something, it has to be implemented.Criticising the meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistan counterpart Nawaz Sharif in Washington, Jaitley said the Prime Minister is not taken seriously either inside the country or outside. Parliament and Council of Ministers are established system and Congress always thinks about how to overrule this system. But it was made a prestige issue and it was made into a talk between heads of government.


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When we cant meet face to face we use technology."In addition, it is a brazen act to further create mistrust among people here and can have serious ramifications for the prospects of peace and harmony in JK," Abdullah said.Asserting that the SAC was "unilaterally bringing changes" in the working of institutions and procedures in the state, the NC leader said it was against the principal and spirit of democracy and participative governance.

"Consultations are essential so as to avoid any unnecessary apprehensions in the minds of anyone.Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik aluminum signs wholesale asserted Sunday that there was no attempt to tamper with the act governing the permanent resident certificate (PRC) in the state, saying such reports were "frivolous and unfounded".He, however, said it was observed that many genuine applicants face avoidable difficulties in getting a PRC within this timeline. Im grateful to jandkgovernor Malik Sb for his timely detailed reply," he said in another tweet. To the best of my knowledge, nothing off the sort is being contemplated at the moment nor have any decisions been taken."It is highly unfortunate that no wider consultations with any political party of the state and other stakeholders were carried out," he added.


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"Further, 254 religious identity-based hate crimes were reported between January 1, 2009, and October 29, 2018, where at least 91 persons were killed and 579 were injured (FactChecker.indatabase (October 30, 2018)."They added that while Prime Minister Modi has criticised lynching cases in Parliament which is merely "not enough.In the letter dated July 23, the celebrities have said that "exemplary punishment" should be meted out "swiftly and surely" in such cases.

No ruling party is synonymous with the country where it is in power. It is only one of the political parties of that country. An open environment where dissent is not crushed only makes for a stronger nation," it added. As the highest Executive of China wholesale Illuminated sign this country, you must put a stop to the name of Ram being defiled in this manner," they said in the letter.The letter also said: "There is no democracy without dissent.


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